
A Word About Consent

Happ E. SexTalk embraces consent as a concept that transcends the context of sexual interaction. We believe consent is about communicating body boundaries in all interpersonal relationships. We agree with Marcia Baczynski and Erica Scott, authors of Creating Consent Culture: A Handbook For Educators, that consent is “an agreement about how we are going to interact or share space together. “

Having a safe environment to practice consent as part of your daily behavior is such a life-changing experience at the toddler age. Let’s give that possibility to our children, and encourage them to do the same with others!
— Our Founder, Erica M. Butler, M.Ed.

There are many perks to starting conversations about consent, bodies, and boundaries at an early age. However, one relevant to this discussion is by giving toddlers the opportunity to practice consent in the every day life, low-stakes kind of scenarios, we’re helping them build up skills related to body autonomy (the right to make decisions about ones body). This is a great skill to be introduced to at this young age because it often results in their ability to make better, healthier decisions as teens and adults later in life.

This video shares a smart, playful guide to consent and bodily autonomy for kids. It's great for you to watch now to gather some language for conversations that are going to take place in the near future

Time for Some Reflection….

Part of being prepared for these conversations with the toddler(s) in your life, is to reflect back on your own upbringing and some of the experiences, messages, and views you were given about these topics. Take some time and reflect on and/or journal about your answers to the following questions:

- What messages did you receive about consent and boundaries during your childhood?

- What are common messages sent to youth about their bodies and consent in American culture? (Through family values and beliefs, media messages, talking with their peers, etc.)

- Do you believe these experiences with messaging impact how we communicate and understand consent, boundaries, and privacy? If yes, how?


Listen to this audio clip from Episode 8 of The “Okay, Keep It SexE!” podcast where I talked about all the ways I'm intentionally implementing sex positive behaviors in my parenting methods for my kids. I want you to think about some ways you can incorporate sex positive behaviors in the interactions you have with toddlers and younger children in your lives. Whether you're thinking about this for the first time, or making plans to add on to what you're already doing, stay connected, let me know what behaviors you come up with, and which ones worked best for you!


If you want to talk more privately about creating an environment free of feeling guilt and shame about sex, then let’s get something booked!